Administration roles
You can use pre-defined administration roles to divide up security tasks according to each administrator's responsibility level.
You can't edit or delete these roles, but Sophos Central Super Admin administrators can add Custom roles based on them.
Super Admin role
Administrators with this role can access everything in Sophos Cloud Optix.
They can manage administrators, roles, and role assignments in Sophos Central, and control other administrators' access to information in Sophos Cloud Optix using environment tags.
They can also configure third-party integrations, for example Jira, Slack, ServiceNow, and the Sophos Cloud Optix API.
There must be at least one administrator with the Super Admin role.
Admin role
Administrators with this role have access to all environments in Sophos Cloud Optix by default. A Super Admin can restrict the environments Admins can access.
They can't do the following:
- Manage administrators and role assignments.
- Configure third-party integrations.
- Configure the Sophos Cloud Optix API.
Read-only role
Administrators with this role have read-only access to all environments in Sophos Cloud Optix by default. A Super Admin can restrict the environments Read-only administrators can access.
They can't do the following:
- Manage administrators and role assignments.
- Add, edit or delete cloud environments.
- Configure third-party integrations.
- Configure the Sophos Cloud Optix API.
They also can't see some options, for example Edit buttons.
An administrator with the Sophos Central Help Desk role has read-only access in Sophos Cloud Optix.
Custom role
In Sophos Central, Super Admins can create custom roles. Custom roles aren't available with standalone Sophos Cloud Optix.
Custom roles are based on the pre-defined Admin and Read-only administrator roles, and allow you to restrict access to specific products in Sophos Central, including Sophos Cloud Optix.
Administrators with a custom role don't have access to any environments in Sophos Cloud Optix until a Super Admin gives them access. They can't do the following:
- Manage administrators and role assignments.
- Configure third-party integrations.
- Configure the Sophos Cloud Optix API.