WINEP-16237 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue preventing a secure email gateway processing emails. |
WINEP-16354 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with the CryptoGuard folder not emptying correctly on a file
server. |
WINEP-17173 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with ROP detection in Microsoft Excel with encrypted
documents. |
WINEP-17347 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with DNS resolution failing. |
WINEP-17406 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with AppSense failing to install. |
WINEP-17454 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with a Caller Check exception in Internet Explorer 11. |
WINEP-17842 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with CryptoGuard detecting an attack in RoboCopy copying
files. |
WINEP-18105 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with CryptoGuard slowing down the digitial file signature
checking process. |
WINEP-18169 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false CryptoGuard detections when generating Microsoft
Word documents remotely. |
WINEP-18181 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with CryptoGuard checking excluded processes. |
WINEP-18292 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with a Caller Check exception in Microsoft Outlook. |
WINEP-18353 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Improved CryptoGuard's performance with excluded files. |
WINEP-18520 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with running secure apps in Firefox. |
WINEP-18583 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with a Caller Check exception in macro enabled Microsoft Excel
files. |
WINEP-18667 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with HitmanPro.Alert upgrades causing servers to stop. |
WINEP-18722 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with HitmanPro.Alert failing to add files as exceptions. |
WINEP-18783 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved performance issues with HitmanPro.Alert. |
WINEP-18873 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with HitmanPro.Alert preventing encrypted remote sessions
starting. |
WINEP-18893 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with HitmanPro.Alert causing machines running Windows 10
to stop. |
WINEP-18915 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false CryptoGuard detections when encrypting files. |
WINEP-19078 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false CryptoGuard detections when encrypting files
remotely with SafeGuard File Encryption 8.10.2. |
WINEP-19179 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false CryptoGuard detections when encrypting files
remotely with etfile. |
WINEP-19282, WINEP-17047 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved issues with Caller Check exceptions in games. |
WINEP-19792 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with HitmanPro.Alert causing servers running Windows Server
2008 R2 to stop. |
WINEP-15961 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with saving Microsoft Office files to a network share when
CryptoGuard is installed. |
WINEP-16679 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false CryptoGuard detections when Safeguard File
Encryption is installed. |
WINEP-17244 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved memory issues on Windows 2012 servers. |
WINEP-15669 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with Microsoft Application Verifier protected apps not
starting. |
WINEP-15791 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with running the Microsoft Office NetDocuments plugin in
Internet Explorer 11. |
WINEP-15954 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with false Data Execution Prevention (DEP) detections when
creating PDF files in Adobe Acrobat 2017. |
WINEP-16207 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with reading ebooks in Internet Explorer 11. |
WINEP-16564 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue where vswhere.exe doesn't run (first time) when CryptoGuard is
turned on. |
WINEP-16763 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved false hollow process detections with open source office suite and eye
tracking software. |
WINEP-16974 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with detections in auditing software. |
WINEP-17393 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with APC alert reporting. |
WINEP-17439 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved false hollow process detections in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. |
WINEP-16914 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with CryptoGuard detections in PDF files. |
WINEP-20547 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue with logging off from Windows after upgrading Windows 10 to
version 1903. |
WINEP-21188 |
HitmanPro.Alert |
Resolved an issue that could cause an older version of a component to be loaded
instead of the latest. |