Clean up computers now

You can immediately clean up Windows or Mac computers that are infected with a virus or have unwanted applications on them.

If you use role-based administration, you must have the Remediation - cleanup right to clean up computers. For more information, see Managing roles and sub-estates.

Note To clean up Linux or UNIX computers, you can either set up automatic cleanup from the console (see Set up automatic cleanup for on-access scanning) or clean up the computers individually as described in Deal with detected items if cleanup fails.

If an item (for example, a Trojan or potentially unwanted application) has been “partially detected”, before cleaning up the affected computer you will need to carry out a full system scan of the computer to find all the components of the partially detected item. In the computer list, Endpoints view, right-click the affected computer and click Full System Scan. For more information, see Partially detected item.

To clean up computers immediately:

  1. In the computer list, Endpoints view, right-click the computer(s) that you want to clean up and then click Resolve Alerts and Errors.
  2. In the Resolve Alerts and Errors dialog box, on the Alerts tab, select the check box for each item you want to clean up, or click Select all. Click Cleanup.

If the cleanup is successful, the alerts shown in the list of computers will no longer be displayed.

If any alerts remain, you should clean up computers manually. See Deal with detected items if cleanup fails.

Note Cleanup of some viruses causes a full system scan to be run on the affected computers, which tries to clean up all the viruses. This might take a long time. The alerts are updated at the end of the scan.