Manage Groups

On the Endpoint Protection > Computer Management > Manage Groups tab you can combine the protected computers to groups, and define endpoint protection settings for groups. All computers belonging to a group share the same antivirus and device policies.

Note – Every computer belongs to exactly one group. Initially, all computers belong to the Default group. After adding groups, on the Advanced tab you can define which group should be the default, i.e., which group a newly installed computer will be assigned to automatically.

To create a computer group, proceed as follows:

  1. Click Add Computer Group.

    The Add Computer Group dialog box opens.

  2. Make the following settings:

    Name: Enter a descriptive name for this group.

    Antivirus policy: Select the antivirus policy to be applied to the group. The policies are defined on the Antivirus > Policies tab. Note that you can define group-specific exceptions from this policy on the Antivirus > Exceptions tab.

    Device policy: Select the device policy to be applied to the group. The policies are defined on the Device Control > Policies tab. Note that you can define group-specific exceptions from this policy on the Device Control > Exceptions tab.

    Tamper protection: If enabled, modification of the protection settings on the respective endpoints locally is only possible with a password. The password is defined on the Advanced tab. If disabled, endpoint users can modify protection settings without password. Note that you can change the tamper protection setting for individual computers on the Manage Computers tab.

    Web control: If enabled, endpoints in this group can enforce and report on web filtering policy, even if they are not on a Sophos UTM network. To enable Endpoint Web Control, see the Endpoint Protection > Web Control tab.

    Use proxy for autoupdate: If enabled, the proxy attributes specified in the fields below will be sent to the endpoints of this group. The endpoints will use the proxy data to connect to the Internet.

    Note – Make sure to enter the correct data. If the endpoints receive wrong proxy data they cannot connect to the Internet and to Sophos UTM any more. In this case you will have to change the configuration on each affected endpoint manually.

    Address: Enter the proxy's IP address.

    Port: Enter the proxy's port number.

    User: Enter the proxy's username if required.

    Password: Enter the proxy's password if required.

    Computers: Add the computers to belong to the group.

    Comment (optional): Add a description or other information.

  3. Click Save.

    The group will be created and appears on the Manage Groups list. Please note that it may take up to 15 minutes until all computers are reconfigured.

To either edit or delete a group, click the corresponding buttons.

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