Install Sophos Anti-Virus manually

You can install Sophos Anti-Virus manually.

To install:

  1. Use your own tools to copy the deployment package to the computers where you want to install Sophos Anti-Virus.
  2. Go to each computer and log in as root.
  3. Place the deployment package in a temporary directory and change to that directory.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To install from the tar package, type: tar -zxvf savinstpkg.tgz./sophos-av/

    • To install from the RPM package, type: rpm -i RPM package.

    • To install from the deb package, type: dpkg -i deb package.

The necessary files are copied from the server and Sophos Anti-Virus is installed. From now on, Sophos Anti-Virus will be updated automatically whenever the bootstrap location is updated.

Sophos Anti-Virus also sends product and platform information to Sophos to help us with product development.