Install Sophos Anti-Virus for the first time manually

Installing Sophos Anti-Virus for the fist time.

This section assumes that you have downloaded Sophos Anti-Virus, as explained in the Sophos Enterprise Console advanced startup guide.

To install Sophos Anti-Virus:
  1. To find out the path of the shared folder to which Sophos Anti-Virus has been downloaded, known as the bootstrap location:
    1. In Sophos Enterprise Console, on the View menu, click Bootstrap Locations.
      In the Bootstrap Locations dialog box, the Location column displays the path of the bootstrap location for each platform.
    2. Make a note of the relevant path.
  2. Log on to your UNIX server as root.
  3. Mount the bootstrap location.
  4. Change to the bootstrap location.
  5. Run the install script: ./

    When prompted, choose to enable remote management.

    When installation has finished, in Sophos Enterprise Console the UNIX server appears in the Unassigned group.
  6. If you have not done so already, in Sophos Enterprise Console create a new group where you want to put the UNIX server.
  7. Drag the server from the Unassigned group to this group.
  8. By default, this group already has a default updating policy applied to it. If you need to edit the policy, see the Sophos Enterprise Console Help.
  9. On the UNIX server, trigger the first update: /opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate.

Now create a deployment package.