Apply the configuration

Before you apply the configuration, ensure that there are no scheduled scans configured for the group containing the virtual machines that will be controlled by the Virtualization Scan Controller. This is to prevent multiple scheduled scans taking place simultaneously.

To apply the configuration, do as follows.

Note If you update the configuration file in future, you must repeat this procedure each time.
  1. Go to the computer where you have the Sophos management server.
  2. Open a command prompt window and change to the directory where you have the Virtualization Scan Controller files.
    Note The command prompt should be open in the context of an account that has sufficient rights to the database schema vmscan.
  3. Type SavScanController configure <my configuration> where <my configuration> is the name of the configuration file you created earlier. Then press Enter to apply the configuration.

    Example: SavScanController configure settings.txt.

    Errors may be reported if your configuration file lists computers that are not managed by Sophos Enterprise Console or if it uses the wrong syntax for configuration options.

You are ready to start Virtualization Scan Controller.