Install the service

To install the Virtualization Scan Controller service:

  1. Extract the Virtualization Scan Controller files to the computer where you have the Sophos management server.
  2. Open a command prompt window and change to the directory to which you extracted the Virtualization Scan Controller files.
  3. Use a text editor to open the file SavScanController.exe.config and check the number of the port used to communicate with the local management server. The default port number is 80. If a different port number was specified during the management server installation, the same port number should show in SavScanController.exe.config.
  4. Enter SavScanController install and press Enter.
    The service is installed. An error message indicates that you now need to install the Virtualization Scan Controller database on the computer where you have the Sophos management database. Make a note of the Database server and Database name shown in the message.
    Error: Sophos Enterprise Console is configured to use a remote database.
    Please refer to the Virtualization Scan Controller User Guide.
    You will need the following information:
    Database server: Hostname\Instance
    Database name: Database